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1. [100.00%] Winner's Dinners - Bill of wrongs
and two ladies, one of whom, Jo Vickers, was the PR for Le Manoir. I have great non-admiration for people in PR. The waiter presented Laurence with the wine list. He said: "You choose. Michael." "Not likely!" I thought. "I'm not the host!" I
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2000/20000521.php - 7.9kb

2. [78.13%] Winner's Dinners - Italian ruins
that Michael Winner paints Jo Vickers as the villain of the piece after his lunch at Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons. I would have been far more angry with Laurence Marks, the wealthy writer who organised the lunch, in the first place, asked Ms
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2000/20000604.php - 8.0kb

3. [56.25%] Winner's Dinners - Meagre rations in Knightsbridge's empty quarter
by my least favourite PR, Jo Vickers . She once had me pay for herself and her assistant when a group of us lunched at the Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons . Miss Vickers no longer represents Le Manoir or Sandy Lane. At Vickers's fiasco party
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2003/20030112.php - 8.5kb

4. [45.31%] Winner's Dinners - A pleasant pub lunch deserves fair Marks
Le Manoir (since departed), Jo Vickers, and her assistant. Why Ms Vickers let me pay for her and her staff I don't know. She was an employee on duty. On another lunch in Oxfordshire - where Laurence lives - he took me to the most dreadful
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2003/20031214.php - 8.3kb

5. [45.31%] Winner's Dinners - A family affair
I shall check carefully if Jo Vickers and I are ever at Sandy Lane together. Dermot Desmond, the owner of the hotel, told me very firmly that he'd never have Journalists there for free. I note that policy has been speedily abandoned. Ms Vickers
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2001/20010422.php - 8.3kb

6. [34.38%] Winner's Dinners - Shifting sands
by my least favourite PR, Jo Vickers, would have been meagre for a tennis club in Epping. Ms Vickers kept down the standard by asking me and not Georgina. The venue was a small restaurant in Knightsbridge. The guests could have come from a
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2002/20020127.php - 8.2kb

7. [34.38%] Winner's Dinners - Unionist's party
that appear on this page. Jo Vickers, London. As I read Michael Winner's words of wisdom on Sunday evening, my son was watching The Simpsons. In this particular episode, Homer tried his hand as a food critic and, at one point, ate so much
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2002/20020324.php - 8.1kb

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